Textos de Novembro · November Texts

Boa leitura!
Good reading!

Singing sand dunes explained – National Geographic
A redução da desigualdade e os projetos em disputa – Jornal do Brasil
Coal-eating microbes might create vast amounts of natural gas – Technology Review
Unos microbios que se alimentan de carbón podrían crear enormes cantidades de gas natural – Technology Review
Atividade física na terceira idade pode prevenir encolhimento do cérebro – BBC Brasil
Science and human rights: a valuable perspective – SciDev.Net
Ciencia y derechos humanos: una valiosa perspectiva – SciDev.Net
Desligando tumores – Technology Review
Europe’s oldest prehistoric town unearthed in Bulgaria – BBC News
Ciência cognitiva na sala de aula – Scientific American Brasil
Oceans getting too hot to handle? – Science
A origem das indo-europeias – Ciência Hoje
Martian genome: Is there DNA on the Red Planet? – New Scientist
Cientistas protestam após condenações de sismólogos na Itália – Deutsche Welle
Partially completed ALMA Radio Telescope already generating discoveries – Scientific American
Is the end of cheap food just an agricultural problem? – Open Democracy

Textos de Abril · April texts

Mais uma seleção de textos interessantes.
Another selection of interesting texts.

Planet is in critical state, warns science declaration – SciDev.Net
El estado del planeta es crítico, advierten científicos – SciDev.Net
Don’t elevate Kony – Open Democracy
Novas evidências indicam que a meditação fortalece o cérebro – BBC Brasil
Designing a smart-phone alphabet for the illiterate – Technology Review
Mandioca nutritiva premiada – Ciência Hoje
Groenlândia degela bem mais rápido do que se pensava – Deutsche Welle
“Lost” Great Wall of China Segment Found? – National Geographic
Why do zoo apes get heart disease? – BBC News
O fascínio da memória – Scientific American Brasil
Ancient human ancestor had feet like an ape – Nature
How do artists protect their work online? – Scientific American
Arctic sea ice may have passed crucial tipping point – New Scientist
Plants Gone Wild: Antarctica Edition – Science

Chiclayo & Lambayeque

Fotos que tirei nas cidades de Chiclayo e Lambayeque, no Peru.
Photos I took in at the cities of Chiclayo and Lambayeque, in Peru.

Chiclayo é uma cidade do norte do Peru que serve de ponto de partida para visitar-se diversos sítios arqueológicos da região, como Huaca Rajada de Sipán e as pirâmides de Túcume.

Chiclayo is a city in northern Peru that is a departure point to visit several archeological sites around the region, such as Huaca Rajada in Sipán and the pyramids of Túcume.

Chiclayo · Municipalidad

Chiclayo · Municipalidad

Chiclayo · Catedral · Cathedral

Chiclayo · Catedral · Cathedral

À esquerda, o prédio da prefeitura, de 1919; à direita, a catedral, do final do século XIX.
On the left, the city hall building, from 1919; om the right and below, the cathedral, from the late 19th century.
Chiclayo · Catedral · Cathedral

Chiclayo · Catedral · Cathedral

Chiclayo · Catedral · Cathedral

Chiclayo · Catedral · Cathedral

Próximo a Chiclayo, a cidade de Lambayeque possui dois importantes museus: o das tumbas reais de Sipán e o Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Etnografía Heinrich Bruning. Este museu exibe uma vasta coleção de tesouros arqueológicos obtidos por Heinrich Brüning, arqueólogo peruano nascido na Alemanha, que dedicou sua vida ao estudo das várias civilizações que habitaram esta região.
Next to Chiclayo, the city of Lambayeque hosts two importants museums: the royal tombs of Sipán and the Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Etnografía Heinrich Bruning. This museum displays a vast collection of archeological treasures gathered by Heinrich Brüning, a German-born Peruvian archaeologist who dedicated his life to the study of the many civilizations that inhabited this area.

Lambayeque · Museu Brüning · Brüning Museum

Lambayeque · Museu Brüning · Brüning Museum