Textos de Julho · July texts
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Você comeria carne artificial para salvar o mundo? – Planeta Sustentável
Bioenergy could help bring food security to the world’s poorest continent – Nature
ONU alerta para alto consumo de drogas prescritas no Brasil – BBC Brasil
New type of drug kills antibiotic-resistant bacteria – Technology Review
Longevidade: fatos e ficções – Ciência Hoje
Successful women scientists: how did they do it? – SciDev.Net
Científicas exitosas: ¿cómo lo lograron? – SciDev.Net
Brilliant, but distant: most far-flung known quasar offers glimpse into early universe – Scientific American
Ambientalistas lutam pela produção de dendê certificado – Deutsche Welle
Oldest American art found on mammoth bone – National Geographic News
Bringing prehistoric colors back to life – Science
Diabetes rate doubles worldwide – BBC News
Inimigo insuspeito: um novo padrão de resistência a antibióticos poderá nos expor a uma enorme variedade de infecções bacterianas – Scientific American Brasil
Planting forests won’t stop global warming – New Scientist
Climate change and the politics of scientism – Open Democracy
Bright lights, rich cities – Science
Forbidden art: an oasis in the desert – Open Democracy