Textos de Março · March texts

Espero que gostem da seleção.
I hope you enjoy this selection.

Em foco: A fome no mundo – Deutsche Welle
Love explained: the science of romance – Scientific American
Ocean science for sustainable development: Facts and figures – SciDev.Net
Foundation Medicine: personalizing cancer drugs – Technology Review
Nestlé elimina ingredientes artificiais de todos os seus doces na Grã-Bretanha – BBC Brasil
US researchers build waste water generator – BBC News
Oceans acidifying at unprecedented speed – New Scientist
Manejar los océanos con conocimiento científico – SciDev.Net
Evolution and the illusion of randomness – The New Atlantis
Life on Earth began on land, not in sea? – National Geographic
Mentiras que dizemos para nós mesmos – Scientific American Brasil
Are Bosnian and Herzegovinian victims of wartime rape finally being given constructive attention? – Open Democracy
Genetically engineered bacteria could help fight Climate Change – Science
Segredos do homem do gelo – Ciência Hoje

Textos de abril · April texts

Eis a seleção de textos para este mês.
Here is the selection of texts for this month.

Cidades serão campos de batalha em luta contra aquecimento, diz ONU – BBC Brasil
Humanism and Transhumanism – The New Atlantis
Atafona: a cidade que está sendo engolida pelo mar – Último Segundo
Africa rhinos face worst poaching crisis for decades – BBC News
Células tumorais expostas à “Quinta Sinfonia”, de Beethoven, perderam tamanho ou morreram – O Globo
Mixed response to climate change on Australia’s coasts – New Scientist
“The rising of the women means the rising of us all” – Open Democracy
Paper, plastic, or steel? – Science
Cartas perdidas de Chopin são doadas a museu na Polônia – Deutsche Welle
A carteira de identidade da vida – Ciência Hoje
Ancient tablet found: oldest readable writing in Europe – National Geographic News
A genetic test for organ rejection – Technology Review
Nuclear power: bruised but not broken – SciDev.Net
Energía nuclear: herida, pero no de muerte – SciDev.Net